As a small child, Rob Lickteig told his mother that he wanted to grow up to be a Rodeo Clown. After a short weekend stay at a friend’s dairy farm, Rob realized that the rodeo was no life for a city boy. Rob’s journey eventually took him down the road of youth ministry. In high school Rob, volunteered at Coronation of Our Lady in Grandview, Mo and at St. Sabina Parish in Belton, Mo. where he met his mentor, Deacon Ken Fuenfhausen.
After years of retreats, mission trips, youth nights and National Catholic Youth Conferences (NCYC), Rob finally answered God’s text to be a youth minister. Rob was hired at Holy Family by Fr. Matthew in August 2013 and the moment he walked into Holy Family, he realized that he was home.
Rob also serves as the Young Adult Minister, realizing the passion of the young church is what keeps his fire bright. Always looking for new ways to hook young families and parishioners, Rob learned a long time ago that if he isn’t challenging the young adults to dig deeper in their own spiritual lives then they will start to look elsewhere.
Rob really isn’t sure what “free time” is, however he likes to constantly be on the move, whether that is learning a new sport, catching up with friends, or looking for that next big adventure.