Seasons of Hope

Seasons of Hope: Grief & Support Ministry

Allow Holy Family to Support you in your grief.

How can a grief and support group help you?

Support groups are a time-tested method of help for people struggling with all sorts of difficulties. While there are no magic words that can make grief disappear, many people report comfort in the companionship of group support and benefit from knowing they are not alone in their experience. Groups are places to work together and support one another in a caring environment. 
Support groups offer:


Grief is experienced in so many ways: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Being with other grievers can reaffirm that what you experience is "normal", and having the support of others who have experienced loss and understand can be comforting. 

Time Away

For many people, a support group can be a break from the loneliness and isolation that often come with grief. 

New Ideas

There is no single solution to dealing with loss; but by listening to stories of how others cope with a particular problem or situation, new ideas for coping can emerge.


We meet the second Saturday of every month at 3:30 pm in room 315. 



Judy McFarland


(816) 510-3744

Pat Baker


(816) 255-3663

 We grieve with hope. 

1 Thessolonians 4:13