Holy Family's parish hall is available for rent by registered, active, tithing parishioners for private family celebrations, such as receptions, anniversary parties, birthday celebrations, showers, etc., with the pastor’s approval for a fee.
The following may use the Holy Family Parish Hall at no cost, but donations to defray utility expenses are requested of non-parish organizations:
• Recognized parish organizations/event
• Diocesan groups with pastor’s approval
• Local neighborhood associations with pastor’s approval
• City and county government agencies for public meetings
Scroll to the bottom of the page for the rental application form.
The parish hall is not available for:
• Political rallies or candidates
• Rental by non-parishioners
• Commercial purposes
Contact Marie Relic, business manager, at 816-436-9200, ext. 302, for availability. Parish events receive priority scheduling. The facility will only be made available for rental functions after parish needs are met and the annual parish calendar is complete. The facility will not be reserved until the facility use agreement is completed and returned along with the damage deposit. Facility use agreements will not be made more than one year prior to the event.
For licensees, a refundable deposit of $500 will be required upon return of the completed facility use agreement. The deposit may be refunded in whole or in part, depending on condition of the hall after use, as assessed by the maintenance supervisor and approved by the business manager and pastor.
Rental Fees
- $125 plus $130 liability insurance 1-25 people
- $250 plus $130 liability insurance 26-50 people
- $500 plus $130 liability insurance 51-100 people
- $975 plus $130 liability insurance 101-150 people
- $1250 plus $130 liability insurance over 150 people
The parish will charge an additional fee for clean-up of the facility. This fee will be based on the size of the event and will be agreed upon at the time the event is scheduled. The rental and clean-up fees are due and payable two weeks prior to the scheduled event.
Insurance Coverage
Tenant User Liability Insurance Program (TULIP) provides insurance coverage that is underwritten by K&K Insurance and is handled through the diocesan broker at Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services for a fee of $130 per event.
Church agrees to provide the parish hall in clean condition and provide tables and chairs. Occupancy for the parish hall is 550 (chairs only) or 275 (round tables, chairs and dance floor). Groups larger than 550 cannot be accommodated. Tables and chairs will be set up for Licensee’s event, provided the Maintenance Supervisor is notified of the configuration two weeks prior to the event.
Church does not provide kitchen utensils, tableware, table covers, dishcloths, towels or dishwashing detergent. The parish allows use of the coolers, ice machine, refrigerator, freezer, coffee pots, coffee urns, stove, ovens, and warming units by renters. The use of the deep-fat fryers by licensees is prohibited. Any leftover food and liquor must be removed from the premises at the conclusion of the event.
Alcoholic Beverages
Licensee will not charge for (whether by admission fee, donation or otherwise) alcoholic beverages served at Licensee’s event and will otherwise comply with all laws regarding the use and consumption of liquor.
Church is responsible for the clean-up of the parish hall for an additional fee of up to $300, agreed upon by the Church and the Licensee at the time the facility use agreement is executed. Licensee is responsible for clean-up of the kitchen. Counters, sinks, ovens, microwaves, appliances, and any other items used for the preparation and service of food are to be cleaned and returned to their storage area. The kitchen floor is to be swept. Proper clean-up of the kitchen is critical to the refund of the damage deposit.
Setup and Deliveries
Licensee will be provided access to the hall in advance of the event for set-up. This access should be coordinated with the Maintenance Supervisor or Business Manager. Decorations shall be reviewed by the Business Manager. Rented or purchased items for the event should not be scheduled for delivery prior to the time Licensee has access to the hall. Licensee should be present for all set-up and deliveries and should act as supervisor to any catering staff. The Church will not be available to accept any deliveries.
The Parish Hall will not be available during Masses or other liturgies. For Saturday evening events, the Parish Hall will not be available for occupancy prior to the conclusion of the 5:00 p.m. Mass. For Saturday afternoon events, the event must conclude, with premises vacated, by 4:00 p.m. All evening events must end, and premises must be vacated by 12:00 Midnight.
No smoking is allowed in parish buildings.
Parish Hall Rental Inquiry