When You Visit
Visiting a new church can be intimidating: What should I wear? Where do I park? Where do my kids go? Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us or visit the Welcome Desk in the family room when you visit. Contact us >
Do I have to wear a mask in church?
Based off of guidance from the CDC, your are not required to wear a face mask. Although, we have reserved rows in the back of the far left section of the church as mask required and social distance.
When is reconciliation available?
Reconciliation is available on Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45 pm and by appointment. Please call Fr. Steve (816-436-9200 ext.307) to schedule.
How do I get to Holy Family Catholic Church?
Please see the map for the best way to arrive at our church. Map >
Where should I park?
Holy Family has an upper lot and a lower lot available for parking. The lower lot has an entrance into our parish hall, with an elevator near the parish hall entrance to assist getting to the church for Mass.
Where do my children go?
Holy Family welcomes all "wiggly worshippers" at Mass. During the school year, Holy Family offers a Children's Liturgy of the Word, typically on the second Sunday of the month, during Mass. This is for all kids, pre-K through 2nd grade. Check our calendar for Mass times >
*At this time, Children's Liturgy of the Word is not occurring. Please check back for when it will return.
How do I register as a member at Holy Family?
Holy Family welcomes all new members. You may register online, or registration forms are available at the parish office or welcome desk. Please fill it out to the best of your ability. Register online here >
Registración en Español
Para llenar esta forma electrónicamente; guarde la forma en su computadora, recuerde donde la guardo, ábrala y llénela, guárdela otra vez, adjúntela en un correo electrónico y envíela a patty@holyfamily.com. Si no tiene toda la información, por favor deje los espacios en blanco. Registración en Español >
How do I become Catholic?
Becoming Catholic is a program of instruction, prayer and ritual celebrations for persons interested in the Catholic Church. The program is designed primarily for unbaptized persons and baptized non-Catholics; however, adult Catholics who have not yet received first Eucharist or confirmation are also welcome.
If interested in the Becoming Catholic program at Holy Family, please contact Christen Cota, pastoral associate, at 816-436-9200, ext 304, or christen@holyfamily.com. Learn about Becoming Catholic >
I’m not Catholic ... so, how do I know when to sit, stand and kneel?
The flow of our worship time together, called the Mass, is located in the hymnal at #227. It is common for Catholics to change postures during the Mass. If in doubt, watch for the changes in those around you at Mass.
I’m not Catholic ... is it okay for me to participate in communion?
Participating in the Mass through praying and singing together are ways to be actively involved in the Mass. If you would like to participate in communion, but are not Catholic, that is great; simply cross your hands over your upper body which signals to the Communion Ministers that you wish to receive a blessing only. Unfortunately, if you are not Catholic, our official Catholic Church teaching on receiving Communion is for Catholics only.
If you find yourself attending Holy Family regularly, and are interested in joining the Catholic way of life, we encourage you to investigate the Becoming Catholic process, which prepares you for becoming a Catholic. Learn about Becoming Catholic >
Am I expected to put money in the offering?
Catholics and many other Christians value giving to their local church community in order to accomplish God's work in a communal way. Holy Family believes the offering comes from a desire to give thanks to God for the many gifts and blessings God has given each of us. By contributing to the life of our local parish, hospitality and essential needs are also extended beyond our own members and into the community through helping others less fortunate than ourselves. Any offering given is used with care and in the spirit of a good use of resources.
I have a hearing problem. Is there any special assistance?
Holy Family has special wireless devices that you may pick up from the welcome desk.
This small power pack provides you with a direct audio feed from our sound system. Most people who already have a hearing device are able to find a volume level on their own hearing aid that best suits them, sitting in a particular location within the church that works best for their hearing aid to function effectively.
Holy Family has many different ministries to meet each of our parishioners where they currently are in life.
Check out how Holy Family can enrich your faith through one of the many ministries, groups, bible studies and activities in our Holy Family Guide Book.
If you have a ministry you would like to start at Holy Family, please contact Patty Rose, stewardship and development director, at patty@holyfamily.com.
Please fill out our Appeal and Stewardship Form below and let us know how we can help you become involved at Holy Family. We are glad you are here! Fill out form >
How can I sign up for Flocknote?
Watch our video tutorial on how to sign up. The video covers the initial sign-up process, as well as how to sign up for individual opportunities within Flocknote. Once your email is verified, you can also sign up to volunteer through your email, as opportunities will be sent directly to you- without needing to go to the Flocknote site at all. View the video >
Exit Survey
If you have decided to leave Holy Family as your home parish, we'd love to hear what brought you to this decision. Click the following link to go to the survey: Take the survey >