Parish Forms


Online Parishioner Registration Form

Registration Form for Printing
You may email a completed form to, or you may print out this form, fill it out with pen and return to the parish office.

Registración en Español
Para llenar esta forma electrónicamente; guarde la forma en su computadora, recuerde donde la guardo, ábrala y llénela, guárdela otra vez, adjúntela en un correo electrónico y envíela a Si no tiene toda la información, por favor deje los espacios en blanco.


Bulletin Submission
Christian Witness Verification (Baptism)

Godparent Eligibility CertificatePSR Online Registration and Payment

Memorial Garden Stone Order Form
Senior High Youth Online Registration and Payment
Sacramental Preparation Form


 *The forms will be available through the links when registration is open. If you are unable to locate the form, please check the registration dates or call the office at 816-436-9200.