Funeral Planning

The Catholic Church celebrates funerals as the incorporation of the deceased person into the Paschal mystery of Christ’s life, death and resurrection. Death is only the end of our earthly life, but not the end of our spiritual life. The funeral celebrates our earthly life in faithful relationship with God, looking toward the promise of living with God forever.



When a loved one dies, please call us at 816-436-9200, ext 301 or ext 304. Please contact us to set a date and time before you contact the funeral home.

We will work with you and the funeral home or crematorium to plan and schedule a date, time and a place for funeral services. The pastoral team will meet with the family to plan the vigil and funeral Mass liturgy, including selection of scripture readings and music, readers, musicians and pallbearers, and other details.

If you would like to pre-plan a funeral, you may request a funeral planning guide from the parish. It includes information on planning the vigil (wake), the Mass and the Rite of Committal.

The guide has suggestions for sacred scripture and music. It also has a planning worksheet with detailed instructions to lead you through the process. Please call or come to the parish office to pick up a copy.

The St. Joseph’s Women’s Group provides a funeral meal as a service at no charge.

Other Funeral Planning Information

The following information should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement of any product or service. It is being provided for your information and may be a starting place for your research.


Catholic cemeteries in the Kansas City, Kan. area >
Catholic cemeteries in the Kansas City, Mo. area, Including Resurrection Cemetery >


Center for Practical Bioethics >
Legalzoom >
Legacy Writer >


Can Catholics Be Cremated? >
Cremation Society of Kansas and Missouri >

Perfect Memorials >
Everlasting Memories >


Funeral Homes Must Accept Other Caskets by Federal Law
Best Price Caskets >


Inform the funeral director that the deceased served in the military to receive these services.


The following information should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement of any particular organization. It is being provided for your information and may be a starting place for your research.
Liberty Hospital – Living After Loss: Morning or evening sessions. Visit >
NorthCare Hospice and Palliative Care (North Kansas City Hospital) Visit >
Alexandra’s House: Support Groups for Parents of Unborn, Newborn or Infants With Limited Life Expectancy. Visit >
Compassionate Friends: Grief support after death of a child of any age. Visit >


Many hospice organizations offer grief support. If you enlist the services of a hospice organization prior to your loved one’s death, you may contact them for help. This list is subject to change. Call the phone numbers provided for current information. 

Crossroads Hospice
Phone: 816-844-6807

Kendallwood Hospice 
Monthly support group for grief support or pre-bereavement issues.

Phone: 800-757-7504

Three Rivers Hospice
Phone: 866-478-7898


Funeral Consumers Alliance of Greater Kansas City >
2018 Price Survey Analysis of Greater Kansas City Funeral Homes >
Know Your Rights When Funeral Planning >
Federal Trade Commission: Consumer Information >