
The latest news and announcements for Holy Family Catholic Church now live here. Check back to see the latest in what's going on in the Parish.



Link to notes from Holy Family's listening session.

Link to combined notes sent by the Diocese on listening sessions.



View our Annual Stewardship report here.






Already a member of the Catholic Church? Is God calling you to serve the Becoming Catholic Ministry? Prayerfully consider becoming a faith journey companion, faith story teller, hospitality host, prayer partner, catechist, or sponsor. Please contact Christen Cota at christen@holyfamily.com with questions.

There is plenty happening for Teens and Young Adults at Holy Family! Check out our opportunities for involevement, or visit the Youth page of our website here > . Contact Rob Lickteig with any questions you may have at rob@holyfamily.com. 


We are not requiring face masks at this time during Mass or when visiting the parish facilities. However, for those who feel more comfortable being around in masked environments, the back far left section of seating in the sanctuary is masked-only seating.


Love Inc. Care Pantry is in immediate need of the following:

Laundry Soap
Dish Soap
Women's Deodorant
Women's Body Wash
Baby Lotion
Baby Wash
Baby Shampoo
Baby Ointment
(we have wipes)
Size 5 & 6 Diapers

Items can be dropped off at Love INC any Monday-Thursday between 10am and 3pm.  The address is 2050 Plumbers Way, Liberty, MO.

Thank you for helping families in need!