Holy Family Annual Appeal

Today, more than ever before, Jesus is calling each of us to say, “yes!” to the needs of our families, our community, and our world. As we follow our own hearts, the pathway to your parish and your relationship with God is one of abundance, if we just have the courage to follow it! It is a pathway to friendship and community, spiritual growth, and the courage to seek God with all your heart.

But how do we seek God? What does that mean in the context of everyday living? As a member of our parish family, it means being a part of something bigger than ourselves. It’s leaving room in our hearts for the opportunities God often puts before us, but perhaps we’re too busy or too distracted to see. It’s taking a risk – a step of faith – to move beyond our comfort zone.

Think about ways you can seek God with all your heart: to have the courage to give Him your cares and concerns; to share in your time, talent, and treasure; and to fully live with a spirit of gratitude for all of His blessings.

Holy Family is a growing, faith-filled community, and we are flourishing with the wonderful people God has placed on our path. Our newly expanded worship space, education center and parish hall are evidence of just that – a generous, dedicated, and joy-filled community!

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

                                                                                                                                       —Jeremiah 29:13

Yes, the Holy Spirit shines through each of us as we share time, talent, and treasure to bring Holy Family to life. Gifts of all sizes make possible our vibrant liturgies, parish school of religion (PSR) and youth activities, adult faith enrichment and 70+ ministries. 

Many thanks for your continued prayers and support.



Holy Family Annual Appeal and Ministry Interest Form

Click here to download the printable Annual Appeal and Ministry Interest Form

Thank you for your prayerful consideration in sharing a financial pledge/gift with Holy Family Parish. Together, our time, talent, and treasure make possible:
• more than 70 parish and community ministries
• vibrant educational programs for youth and adults
• year-round parish presence and support to individuals and families in administering the blessed sacraments such as baptism, marriage, anointing of the sick, and funerals; and emergency assistance
• maintaining our parish campus , staffing, and general operations
• our recent capital improvements to our worship space, education wing, and parish hall.

All gifts – no matter the size – are important and accepted with gratitude.

Please complete so that we may verify your contact information is current. If you have any questions about anything on this form, please contact Patty Rose at 816-436-9200, ext 303.

In Thanksgiving for the gifts God has given us, we are called to return a portion of our resources to support the parish (6% of income), the diocesan church (1%) and other charities (3%). This appeal runs to December 31, 2020.

Ministry Interest Form

As God's children, we are each uniquely gifted. We are called by baptism to nurture and share these gifts. Our response to this call is achieved by embracing a life of stewardship.

We envision Holy Family as a vibrant parish whose commitment to stewardship call us to involvement in our local community, the universal church and all of God's creation.

Following is a list of ministries, activities and organizations offered at Holy Family. To learn more about these, please refer to the Parish Guide Book. Please check all ministries in which you would like to be involved.

My Gifts


When we spend time with God in prayer, we are spiritually prepared to offer ourselves in service to others. Please consider the following:

*Attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Days, attend a weekday Mass when possible, spend one hour in Eucharistic adoration, pray with family, read the bible, spend time in personal prayer, go to reconciliation as needed each year, discuss the Catholic faith with family, spend quality time with spouse/family and support parish service outreach ministries.


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