Serve in the Parish

There are many opportunities to get involved in parish life here at Holy Family. Below are all of the opportunities to serve within the parish community. 


There are four Parish Leadership Councils that are responsible for the management of oversight of Holy Family. 

Pastoral Council

As parish representatives, the Pastoral Council fully supports parish life by:

  • Being actively involved in ministry to the parish
  • Serving as stewards of the parish mission and planning with discernment and prayerful reflection
  • Ensuring parish committee and staff initiatives are consistent with the parish mission and long-range plans
  • Creating parish policies aligned with the parish mission statement and diocesan policies
  • Providing collaborative support to the pastor, parish staff, and parish ministry leaders
  • Developing relationships with parishioners to enable action on issues and concerns of the parish
  • Continuing to develop our faith life

Current Pastoral Council Members

Pam Bruce (chair), Scott Kasper, and Fr. Steve. 

Contact Pastoral Council >

Finance Council

The Finance Council monitors the parish’s financial position. Members review financial statements, assist with budget development, and serve as financial advisers to the Pastor and Business Manager.

Current Finance Council Members

Lisa Coonfare (Chair), Deb Eblen, Dave Lemke, Skylar McQuinn, Steve Osborne, Angela Robertson, Martin Verstraete, Aaron Wright, Marie Relic, and Fr. Steve.  

Contact Finance Council >

Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee oversees all construction and maintenance projects associated with parish facilities.

Current Facilities Committee Members

Dave Rogowski (Chair), Dee Carver, Larry Kloepfel, Wayne Krueger, Patrick Mendoza, David Moss, Roger Prokes, Marie Relic, Charles Schroder, Bill Wall, Fr. Steve. 

Contact Facilities Committee >

Stewardship Council

As God’s children, we are uniquely gifted.  We are called by baptism to nurture and share these gifts. Our response to this call is achieved in gratitude by embracing a life of stewardship.

The mission of the Stewardship Council is to call the members of our faith community to discover and acknowledge their gifts of time, talent and treasure and provide opportunities to share them.

We envision Holy Family as a vibrant parish whose commitment to stewardship calls us to involvement in our parish, our community, the universal church, and all of God’s creation.


Current Stewardship Council Members

Bill Yocum (co-chair), Elaine Penas (co-chair), Marline Azevedo, Amber Cook, Lynn Gaston, Phil Pleiss, Josh Svoboda, Linda Teel, Fr. Steve Rogers and Patty Rose.  

Contact Stewardship Committee >


Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the Priest throughout Mass. Altar Servers must be in 4th Grade or 10 years old. New Altar Servers must attend Altar Server Camp, typically held in the summer.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com

Art & Environment Team

The Art & Environment Team decorates the church throughout the liturgical seasons and feast days.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Communion Ministers distribute Communion at Mass. Training is onsite or diocesan training is available.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com

Gift Bearers

The Gift Bearers present the gifts of bread, wine, and collections to the Priest during Mass. If interested, simply take the designated cross in the center aisle before Mass and notify the ushers.


Greeters welcome worshipers before Mass and distribute bulletins following Mass.

  • Contact: John Winkles (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com, Patty Rose (816-436-9200), patty@holyfamily.com


Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass and other liturgies. There is parish training and ongoing Scripture study to help prepare.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee provides liturgical experiences that actively draw people to celebrate their relationship with God.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com


Sacristans assist the priest in preparation for celebration of Mass. They must be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and be recommended by the pastor.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com


Ushers greet and seat worshippers, distribute and collect hymnals, and gather the collection. They are tasked with being attentive to the needs of the assembly at prayer.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com


Adult Choir

Individuals who are high school-aged and above sing at Masses and other special liturgies. Rehearsals are typically Wednesdays from 7:00-8:15pm.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com


Cantors lead the assembly in song at Mass and other liturgies.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com

Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir plays at various times throughout the liturgical year at weekend Masses and special liturgies. Any teenagers or adults who are basic music readers may be part of the Handbell Choir.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com

Instrumental Musicians

Musicians provide instrumental musical leadership at Mass.

  • Contact: John Winkels (816-436-9200), john@holyfamily.com


Coffee & Doughnuts

Responsibilities include preparing coffee and juice to serve with doughnuts following Sunday Masses.

  • Contact: Patty Rose (816-436-9200), patty@holyfamily.com

Money Counters

Those involved with this ministry process the weekly offertory collection.

  • Contact: Marie Relic (816-436-9200), marie@holyfamily.com


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Those involved pray and meditate in the presence of the Lord every Thursday from 8:30am-8:00pm

  • Contact: Madonna Davis (816-454-1501), Mike Jaromin (816-436-9200), adoration@holyfamily.com

Prayer Chain

Those involved receive prayer requests via email. You are asked to pray for the prayer request from parishioners.

  • Contact: Patty Rose (816-436-9200), prayerchain@holyfamily.com


The Rosary is prayed at 7:30am every sunday in May and October. 

  • Contact: Christen Cota (816-436-9200), rosary@holyfamily.com

Tuesday Night Prayer Group

This is an informal prayer group that meets each Tuesday at 6:30pm. The group centers around prayer, song and scripture, focusing on the weekend readings and meditations. 

  • Contact: Joe Roetheli (816-616-7656, joe.48@att.net), Judy Roetheli (816-812-0098, judy_48@att.net)


Confirmation Sponsors

Confirmation Sponsors help lead confirmation candidates through the process of confirmation. You must be able to attend sponsor nights once per month.

  • Contact: Rob Lickteig (816-436-9200), rob@holyfamily.com

Parish School of Religion (PSR) Catechists

Catechists guide children grades Pre-K through 8th Grade on their faith journey. On-site orientation is available. 

  • Contact: Jena Duffy (816-436-9200), jena@holyfamily.com

Parish School of Religion (PSR) Aides

Aides assist Catechists in guiding children on their faith journey.

  • Contact: Jena Duffy (816-436-9200), jena@holyfamily.com

Peer Ministry Team

Confirmed high school students assist catechists in leading small groups within the Senior High Youth Night.

  • Contact: Rob Lickteig (816-436-9200), rob@holyfamily.com

Protecting God's Children

Mandatory program for anyone who works with children in the Parish. Participants learn to be aware of how to protect those in their care form child sexual abuse and to provide a safe environment.

  • Contact: Marie Relic (816-436-9200), marie@holyfamily.com

Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) Team

RCIC serve as facilitators and instructors to children in third grade or older going through RCIC.

  • Contact: Jena Duffy (816-436-9200) jena@holyfamily.com

Scouting, Religious Medals

Assists all Scout members in obtaining religious emblems by developing a program, including retreats and other religious services.

  • Contact: Gail Lavenburg (816-436-9200), religiousmedals@holyfamily.com

Senior High Catechists

Catechists lead a group of senior high teens during Senior High Youth Nights.

  • Contact: Rob Lickteig (816-436-9200), rob@holyfamily.com

Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Activity Leaders, Teachers, Aides

Those involved with VBS coordinate, plan, or assist a week-long theme-based program for grades Pre-K through 5th Grade.

  • Contact: Jena Duffy (816-436-9200), jena@holyfamily.com


Marriage Preparation Lead Couples

Lead Couples help engaged couples grow in their understanding of marriage. The Diocese offers periodic training for Lead Couples. Each Lead Couple will meet with an engaged couple for three to four sessions of 1.5 to 2 hours each. 

  • Contact: Father Steve Rogers (816-436-9200), steve@holyfamily.com

Becoming Catholic Team

There are many opportunities to get involved in the Becoming Catholic Ministry, and help adults discover the Catholic faith. Some of these roles include, Prayer Partners, Hospitality Hosts, Sponsors, Faith Story Tellers, and Catechists. More information on these roles can be found here.

  • Contact: Christen Cota (816-436-9200), christen@holyfamily.com


Bulletin Stuffing and Mailings

This group provides help to the Parish Staff by stuffing bulletins or preparing mailings. The time commitment varies according to the project.

  • Contact: Shelly Mitchell (816-436-9200), shelly@holyfamily.com

Camera Crew

This ministry aides Parish communications by volunteering to photograph or live-stream events. A background in digital photography is helpful, but not neccesary, and training is available.

Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee organizes and prepares the meal for new member welcome events, plans the annual appreciation dinner for parish volunteers, and helps with other various events throughout the year. Averages two to three Sunday afternoons and Saturday evenings a year, plus time spent planning the events.

  • Contact: Patty Rose (816-436-9200), patty@holyfamily.com

Office/Clerical Assistance

This ministry provides support for various projects, such as filing, assembling worship aids, making phone calls, etc. The time commitment varies according to the project.

  • Contact: Shelly Mitchell (816-436-9200), shelly@holyfamily.com

Parish Maintenance Ministry

Parishioners will provide their time and talent in one of the specialized ways to maintain their beauty and functionality of our parish facility. Possible maintenance crews include:

  • Adopt-a-Landscape Bed: clean and maintain a landscape bed (no planting unless specified by staff)
  • Church Cleaning: clean and maintain the worship space.
  • Classroom Cleaning: clean and maintain the classrooms.
  • HVAC Help: assist in supervised inspection and cleaning of VFR filters (HVAC knowledge required).
  • Parking Lot: sweep debris, pick up trash, and keep parking lot clean.
  • Pond Crew: clean trash and debris around the pond.
  • Tree/Shrub Trimming: trim shrubs and trees as needed, cut down old/dead trees.
  • Water Brigade: water all planters, landscape beds, and trees/shrubs as needed.

Any help in any of these areas is greatly appreciated!

  • Contact: Dee Carver (816-436-9200), dee@holyfamily.com

Parish Clean-Up Days

Parishioners perfrom cleaning, grounds keeping, or maintenance tasks as part of a parish-wide clean-up event. These are usually two times per year and average two to four hours per clean-up day.

  • Contact: Dee Carver (816-436-9200), dee@holyfamily.com

Sewing & Cutting

This ministry cuts fabric to make baptismal bibs or stoles and performs minor sewing or cutting tasks. The time commitment varies according to the project. 

  • Contact: Christen Cota (816-436-9200), christen@holyfamily.com