Our Story

The Holy Family Journey

Holy Family Catholic Church was founded in 1980 in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The mission of the new church, at that time was to live lives of mission and ministry by caring for one another, extending hospitality to all, encouraging participation, supporting family life, handing on our faith to our children, and participation in good liturgy. Later, this mission statement would be ammended.

Holy Family History Book

Our history book is an in-depth look at 30 years of Holy Family's history from inception until 2010, including articles surrounding how Holy Family decided upon its location, name, and how ministries became established. View and download >


Holy Family Catholic Church is a vibrant, spirit-filled faith community.

Following the example of the Holy Family, we seek God by celebrating, growing, and living our faith. 


Living as Jesus taught us, we are a community of believers dedicated to finding Christ in our Sacraments and our neighbors. 

God of faith, help us embrace change, yet still hold dear our family values that make our community unique. 

We answer the call to serve others.

God of hope, allow us to work in harmony, united in appreciating the efforts of all. Help us to be generous with our time, treasure, and talent. 

God of love, You challenge us to believe in You and ourselves. Give us the faith we need to build a house on rock and not sand. Lord, lead us as we are to go today. 


January 1980 Holy Family Parish was canonically established. Father patrick Rush was appointed pastor.
June 1980 The Census indicates there are 340 families in the parish.
August 1981 Ground is broken for the church.
September 1982 Consecration and Dedication of Holy Family Church.
Spring 1983 The Parish Council is selected. 
October 1983 Father Lloyd Opoka is appointed pastor.
1987 The Parish rectory is built.
July 1993 Father Robert H. Stewart is appointed pastor.
September 1998 Ground is broken for the Parish Hall addition.
Early 2000 Parish Hall addition is completed. 
Early 2003 Land at 106th and Woodland is purchased for the new church site. Over 900 families in the parish.
November 2004 Father Matthew Brumleve is appointed pastor.
January 2005 The Parish celebrates its 25th anniversary.
August 2009 The partition is removed at the back of the church; 108 seats are added. 
Fall 2011 The lower parking lot and new exit are added.
Fall 2012 Parishioners attend Town Hall meetings, there is a consensus to expand at 96th St.
Fall 2013 Parishioners view plans for the Church, Classroom, and Parish Hall expansion and Multipurose Building.
January 2014 Father Philip Egan appointed pastor.
September 2016 Land at 106th and Woodland sold. Parishoners decided to expand on current location.
August 2017 Parishioners attend Town Hall meetings to discuss parish expansion of church and classroom spaces.
Fall 2017 Together We Grow Capital Campaign is kicked off to span from 2017-2020. 
March 2018 Groundbreaking for the Together We Grow church, classroom, and parish hall expansion and renovation.
February 2019 Parish Hall and classroom expansion and renovation is approved for occupancy, increasing the amount of classroms to 14, creating a dedicated youth space, two aditional offices, and expansion of the parish hall for an additional 112 seats. Mass is moved to the parish hall. Construction begins on the renovation and expansion of the church.
August 2019

The Mass of Dedication takes place, with Bishop James V. Johnston presiding, along with Fr. Egan, Fr. Brumleve, Fr. Opoka, and Fr. Rush.

July 2023

Fr. Steven C. Rogers appointed pastor.